Who we are

Mission and purpose of RAB (Radio Advertising Bureau) existance is enabling help in organization, education and research, gathering information and legal advices usefull to radio stations and radio industry as a whole.

Considering that, RAB Serbia goals are:

  • Improving perception of radio as a primar partner media for agencies and advertisors,
  • To provide more advertising for radio and bigger profit from advertising on radio stations,
  • Organizational help to the industry in the sense of creating standards and guideposts which will make radio the most popular mean for reaching substential results for advertisers and agencies.

 If you are still not our member, contact us by phone or e-mail on the page „contact“ and fill in the form.


Instead of introduction, words of the President of RAB Serbia Organizational Board

17 years ago, when I had decided to open „NAXI radio“ in Belgrade, the first radio station that would play only the best ex-yu pop and soft-rock music I felt the same impatience, exitement and joy as I have felt eight months ago, when we have founded RAB.

First time I heard about RAB was a couple of years ago, when I visited BBC London. I have visited RAB UK on that occasion and I remember thinking how our media and marketing scene is so far from that and I couldn’t imagine the day when something like RAB will exist here. I am very happy to say that that day was so much closer than I have expected...

Last year I have met some very special people who love radio more than anyone I have ever met. We talked about all the joys of radio and all the good things that working on a radio station brings, about closeness and friendship formed between radio and its listeners and about the time they spend with their favourite station. People around the world, specialy those in marketing, have realized the importance and advantages of radio for advertisers long time ago, and which are primarily seen in the trust listeners have in radio.

RAB Serbia is association of all Serbian radio stations that want to improve the position of radio as a media and to improve the position of their radio station. You can see this beautiful unity in the logo of RAB Serbia, every station is represented by a different colour dot, and all the dots together create a capital R, as a simbol of radio.

During the last eight months, together we have managed to paint a beautiful painting of Serbian radio. I am very happy and proud, and it is a real joy to lead RAB in its first, and maybe most exciting year. I have met a lot of people who love radio with all their hearts, I have learned so much about media I love for 17 years and I enjoy every new day and every new activity we think of for RAB Serbia and its members.

This web site and Newsletter are just a fraction of what we have prepared for you. We are looking forward to all challenges, tasks and nice and positive thinks which awai us in the future.

Thank you for being with RAB Serbia and for surfing on the new radio vawes together!


Maja Rakovic, President of RAB Serbia Organizational Board